Make Money Ideas

Best Guide to Making Money Online as a Website Tester

Make money online as a website tester

As more businesses move online, the need for website testing has grown tremendously. Website testing involves identifying bugs, errors, and issues on websites, and providing feedback to website owners to improve their website’s functionality and user experience. As a website tester, you can make money by testing websites for businesses and website owners.

In this blog post, we will explore how you can make money online as a website tester. We will cover the following topics:

How does user testing websites work

User testing websites work by connecting businesses and website owners with real users who can provide feedback on their website, product or service. Here are the basic steps of how user testing websites work:

Signup: Users sign up with a user testing website by providing their demographic information, completing a profile and taking a qualification test.

Test opportunities: The user testing website provides users with test opportunities that match their demographic profile.

Test instructions: The user is given instructions for the test, which can include specific tasks to complete, questions to answer, or feedback to provide.

Test recording: The user completes the test, which is usually recorded via audio and video or screen recording.

Feedback submission: The user submits feedback on the test, which can include their thoughts on the user experience, usability, and design of the website or product.

Payment: The user testing website pays the user for completing the test, usually via PayPal or other payment methods.

Businesses and website owners use user testing websites to gain valuable feedback from real users to improve their website, product or service. User testing websites can provide businesses with quick and cost-effective insights on user experience, usability, and customer preferences, which can help them improve their product or service. Overall, user testing websites provide a win-win situation for businesses and users, by allowing businesses to gain valuable feedback and users to earn money in their spare time.

Testing websites or apps is a great way to earn money online. Here are some steps to get started:

Find legitimate testing sites

There are many legitimate websites that pay you to test websites or apps. Do some research to find reputable platforms such as UserTesting, TryMyUI, and Userlytics. Make sure to read reviews and check if they pay well.

User testing websites are a great way to earn money online by testing websites and apps. Here are some popular user testing websites:

UserTesting: UserTesting is a popular user testing website that pays users to test websites and apps. Users can earn up to $60 per test, and tests typically take 20 minutes to complete.

TryMyUI: TryMyUI is another user testing website that pays users to test websites and apps. Users can earn $10 for each 20-minute test they complete.

Userlytics: Userlytics is a user testing website that pays users to test websites, apps, and prototypes. Users can earn up to $90 per test, and tests typically take 20-40 minutes to complete.

Enroll: Enroll is a user testing website that pays users to test websites and provide feedback. Users can earn cash rewards or gift cards for completing tests.

TestingTime: TestingTime is a user testing website that pays users to test websites, apps, and prototypes. Users can earn up to €50 per test, and tests typically take 30-90 minutes to complete.

UserFeel: UserFeel is a user testing website that pays users to test websites and provide feedback. Users can earn up to $10 per test, and tests typically take 10-20 minutes to complete.

Analysia: Analysia is a user testing website that pays users to test websites and provide feedback. Users can earn $10 for each test they complete, and tests typically take 10-15 minutes.

These are just a few of the many user testing websites available. Research each platform to determine which ones align with your goals and offer the best pay rates. Keep in mind that user testing is a competitive field, so it’s important to have good attention to detail and provide high-quality feedback to maximize your earnings

Sign up: Once you find a platform you like, sign up and create a profile. You will need to provide information about your demographics, experience, and interests to match with testing opportunities.

Take a qualification test: Most platforms require you to take a qualification test to determine your eligibility to test websites or apps. These tests are usually simple and help the platform understand your skills.

Start testing: Once you pass the qualification test, you can start testing websites or apps. You will be given specific instructions to follow while testing, such as browsing the website or app, performing specific actions, and providing feedback on your experience.

Get paid: After completing the testing task, you will get paid for your work. Payments vary depending on the platform and the complexity of the testing task.

Provide feedback: Providing detailed feedback is crucial to being a successful website or app tester. Your feedback helps developers identify bugs and improve user experience. Be honest and specific in your feedback, and provide suggestions for improvement.

Improve your skills: As you gain experience in testing websites or apps, you can improve your skills and increase your earning potential. Take courses or workshops to improve your testing skills and stay up-to-date with the latest trends in website and app testing.

Testing websites or apps can be a fun and flexible way to earn money online. Just make sure to work with legitimate platforms and be dedicated to providing high-quality feedback to maximize your earnings.

How much money can you make testing websites

The amount of money you can make testing websites will depend on the website testing platform you use and the opportunities available. Generally, website testing platforms pay testers for each completed test, and the payment amount can range from a few dollars to as much as $60 or more per test, depending on the platform and the complexity of the test. However, it’s important to note that website testing opportunities may not be available all the time, and there may be many testers competing for each opportunity.

Some website testing platforms also offer bonus incentives for frequent and high-quality testers, which can increase the amount of money you can earn. Additionally, some platforms offer other ways to earn money, such as participating in surveys or referring new testers to the platform.

Overall, the amount of money you can make testing websites will vary depending on the website testing platform you use, the number of opportunities available, your frequency and quality of participation, and other factors. While website testing may not be a full-time income source, it can be a good way to earn some extra money in your spare time.

User testing websites pros and cons

User testing websites allow businesses to receive feedback on their website, product or service from real users. Here are some pros and cons of using user testing websites:


Objective feedback: User testing websites provide unbiased feedback from real users, which can help businesses identify areas of improvement and potential issues.

Cost-effective: User testing websites can be more cost-effective than traditional in-person testing, as they eliminate the need for travel, accommodation, and other related expenses.

Time-saving: User testing websites can provide feedback quickly, which can help businesses make changes and improvements more quickly than traditional testing methods.

Accessibility: User testing websites can reach a larger pool of participants, regardless of their location or background.

Insightful: User testing websites can provide valuable insights on user experience, usability, and customer preferences, which can help businesses improve their product or service.


Limited control: User testing websites have limitations on the types of tests that can be conducted, which can limit the depth and accuracy of the feedback.

Limited sample size: User testing websites may not be able to provide a large enough sample size, which can affect the validity of the feedback.

Limited demographics: User testing websites may not be able to provide a diverse range of participants, which can affect the accuracy of the feedback.

Limited context: User testing websites may not be able to replicate real-life scenarios, which can affect the accuracy and relevance of the feedback.

Limited data analysis: User testing websites may not provide in-depth data analysis, which can limit the insights that can be gained from the feedback.

Overall, user testing websites can be a useful tool for businesses to gain objective feedback quickly and cost-effectively. However, they do have limitations and businesses should use them in conjunction with other testing methods to gain a more comprehensive understanding of their product or service.


User testing websites can be a valuable tool for businesses to receive objective and unbiased feedback on their website, product or service from real users. While there are some limitations, such as limited control, sample size, and context, user testing websites are cost-effective, time-saving, and insightful. The feedback received can help businesses identify areas for improvement, make changes more quickly, and improve the overall user experience of their product or service. However, it’s important for businesses to use user testing websites in conjunction with other testing methods to gain a more comprehensive understanding of their product or service. Overall, user testing websites can be a useful and effective tool for businesses to improve their offerings and stay competitive in their market.

By following these tips and strategies, you can start making money as a website tester. Whether you’re looking to supplement your income or turn website testing into a full-time career, there are many opportunities available in this growing industry.

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