Side Hustles Ideas

How to Build a Successful Career as a Freelance Writer

How to become a successful freelance writer

So, you’re interested in freelance writing? That’s great! Freelance writing is a fantastic way to earn money while working from home or on the go. You can write for yourself and be your own boss, or you can get paid by companies that need content written for their websites.

It’s also an excellent way to gain experience as a writer before going into full-time employment as a journalist or editor with one of these companies. If you have always dreamed of being able to write for Forbes but don’t know where or how to start your career off, then this guide will help get your foot through the door!

How Does Freelance Writing Work

Freelance writing is a type of work that involves creating written content for a variety of clients. Freelance writers typically work on a contract basis and can be hired to write for a variety of topics, including blogs, articles, web content, and more. Freelance writing jobs can be found on a variety of websites, such as Indeed, Upwork, Freelance Writing and Adam Enfroy.

Freelance writers typically work on a project-by-project basis, meaning that they are not employed by a single company but rather work for multiple clients. This type of work allows writers to have more control over their schedule and workload, as well as the ability to choose the type of projects they want to work on.

When applying for freelance writing jobs, it is important to have a portfolio of writing samples that showcase your skills and experience. Additionally, it is important to have a clear understanding of the scope of the project, the timeline for completion, and the payment terms. Once a freelance writer is hired, they are typically responsible for researching the topic, creating the content, and submitting the work to the client for review.

Getting Started

The first step to becoming a freelance writer is to decide what type of writing you want to do. Do you want to write articles, blog posts or books? Once you’ve figured out the kind of writing that interests you most, it’s time for research!

Once you know what kind of work interests you most and have done some research into how much money writers in those fields make per hour (or day), then it’s time for action. Get yourself some equipment: computers are great but not necessary; pens and paper are essential though! You’ll also need access to good internet connection so that people can contact with via email or Skype if they need something more than just words on paper – sometimes they need graphics too! And finally there’s no point having all these things if there aren’t any jobs available so start looking now before someone else snaps up all those lucrative opportunities first…

Develop Your Writing Skills

Good writing skills are essential to becoming a successful freelance writer. Practice your writing by creating your own blog or website, writing guest posts for other blogs, or writing for online publications. Join a writing group to get feedback on your work and improve your writing.

Choose Your Writing Niche

Decide on what topics or types of writing you are passionate about and want to specialize in. This could be anything from business and finance to health and wellness or lifestyle and travel. Specializing in a niche can help you become an expert in that area, making it easier to find clients and charge higher rates.

Build a Portfolio

As a new freelance writer, you will need to have writing samples to show potential clients. Start building a portfolio by writing for free or for a small fee for friends, family, or for your own blog. You can also reach out to online publications and offer to write guest posts for them.

Create a Website

A professional website will help you showcase your writing samples, services, and contact information to potential clients. Your website should be easy to navigate and have a clear description of your services, rates, and writing process.

Find Clients

You can find clients through job boards, social media, or networking with other freelance writers. Consider reaching out to small businesses or individuals in your niche and offer your services. Attend online events, webinars, and forums where potential clients hang out.

Set Your Rates

Research what other freelance writers in your niche are charging to determine your rates. Consider factors such as your experience, niche, and the complexity of the writing task when setting your rates.

Deliver High-Quality Work

When you start landing clients, it’s important to deliver high-quality work on time. Establish a professional communication with your clients and ask for feedback to improve your writing skills.

Scale Your Business

As you gain experience and build a solid client base, you can increase your rates, take on more work, and start expanding your business. Consider hiring other writers to help you with projects and creating an online course or an e-book to increase your income.

Starting as a freelance writer may take time, but it is a rewarding career that allows you to work from anywhere in the world and get paid for your writing skills.

Working With Clients

Working with clients can be a challenge, but it’s also a vital part of your freelance writing career. Here are some tips on how to communicate effectively and handle difficult clients:

Keep communication channels open. It’s important for both parties to be able to get in touch with each other easily so that you can discuss any issues or questions that arise during the course of your project together. Make sure you have an email address set up specifically for this purpose (and don’t use your personal one), as well as phone numbers or Skype IDs where they can reach out if needed; this will help prevent miscommunications between yourself and any potential clients who may not know how much time goes into writing content from scratch!

Be upfront about what you’re willing/unwilling to do when working with new clients – even if it means losing business opportunities because they aren’t willing enough yet themselves.”

Writing Techniques

  • Writing for different audiences
  • Writing for SEO
  • Writing for compelling content

Building Your Brand

  • How to create a unique voice.
  • How to build a following.

Maximizing Your Income

  • How to increase your rates
  • How to find higher-paying clients
  • How to increase your productivity

Pricing Your Services

Once you’ve decided to go freelance, the next step is figuring out how much money you’ll charge for your services. This can be a daunting task, especially if this is your first time freelancing and/or negotiating rates.

Here are some tips for determining your rates:

Determine what others in your industry are charging for similar work (i.e., research papers). If no one else has done this type of work before, then make an educated guess based on what they would charge if they did exist! This may sound silly but sometimes people will pay more than they should just because they think it’s too good of an opportunity pass up–and that’s okay! Just make sure that whatever price point you come up with makes sense given what other writers are charging out there right now.* In addition to researching other writers’ prices online or through networking groups like LinkedIn groups devoted specifically towards helping freelancers find jobs quickly without having any prior experience whatsoever (so long as they’re willing), there are also plenty of tools available online which allow users

Marketing Your Services

Once you’ve got your portfolio ready and your writing skills honed, it’s time to start marketing yourself.
Before we get into what exactly marketing is, let’s talk about how freelancers can use social media to build their brand and connect with potential clients. Social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook are great places for freelancers because they allow the writer (or any other type of independent worker) to connect directly with people who might need their services–without having to go through an agency or other third party intermediary. For example: if someone needs help writing press releases, they can search for “press release writer” on Twitter and find dozens of accounts belonging specifically to freelance writers who specialize in this type of work!

Staying Organized

Staying organized is the key to success as a freelance writer. You’ll need to create a schedule that works for you, manage multiple clients and projects at once, and stay motivated when things get tough.

Here are some tips for staying organized:

Create a schedule that works for you. You might want to set aside time every day or week for writing or editing work, or maybe work in spurts throughout the day whenever inspiration strikes. Whatever works best for you will help keep your mind focused on getting things done instead of worrying about whether or not they’ll get done at all!

Handle multiple clients at once with ease by keeping them organized in separate folders within Microsoft Word (or whatever program works best). This way all their information is right there when needed without having to go searching through emails again–and if something comes up unexpectedly like needing more information from one client than another before sending off an invoice then just double click on those specific folders instead of having everything mixed together like before!

Top Best Websites For Freelance Writing

As a freelance writer, there are plenty of websites that can help you find work, connect with clients, and build your portfolio. Here are some of the most popular freelance writing websites:

Upwork: Upwork is one of the largest freelance marketplaces in the world, with thousands of writing jobs posted every day. You can create a profile, search for jobs, and submit proposals to clients. Upwork takes a percentage of your earnings as a fee, but it can be a great way to find consistent work.

Freelancer: Freelancer is another popular freelance marketplace, with a wide range of writing jobs available. You can bid on projects, showcase your portfolio, and build long-term relationships with clients. Freelancer also takes a percentage of your earnings as a fee.

Fiverr: Fiverr is a platform where freelancers can offer their services starting at $5. While the rates may sound low, many writers have built successful careers on Fiverr by offering add-ons and premium services. Fiverr takes a percentage of your earnings as a fee, but it can be a good way to get started and build your portfolio.

ProBlogger: ProBlogger is a job board specifically for bloggers and content creators. You can find freelance writing jobs for blogs, websites, and other online publications. The jobs listed on ProBlogger tend to be higher-paying than other freelance marketplaces, but they also require more experience and expertise.

Contena: Contena is a subscription-based service that helps freelance writers find high-paying gigs. You can search for jobs, receive alerts for new openings, and access a database of writing resources. Contena charges a monthly fee, but it can be worth it if you’re serious about building a career as a freelance writer.

Textbroker: Textbroker is a content writing service that connects writers with clients who need articles, blog posts, and other types of content. You can sign up as a writer and start receiving assignments right away. Textbroker pays per word, with rates ranging from 0.7 cents to 5 cents per word depending on your level of expertise.

WriterAccess: WriterAccess is a content creation platform that connects freelance writers with clients who need high-quality content. You can work on assignments for blogs, websites, social media, and other types of content. WriterAccess pays per project, with rates ranging from $0.02 to $0.30 per word depending on your level of expertise.

Guru: Guru is a platform that connects freelancers with clients looking for writing services. You can create a profile, set your rates, and apply to writing jobs posted by clients.

Scripted: Scripted is a platform that connects freelance writers with clients who need content for their websites or businesses. You can create a profile, set your rates, and apply to writing jobs posted by clients.

These are just a few of the many freelance writing websites available. With the right skills and dedication, you can build a successful career as a freelance writer and find work that suits your interests and expertise.

Here Are Some Tips For Freelance Writing

Develop your writing skills: Writing is a skill that requires practice and improvement. Keep writing regularly, and try to develop your style and voice.

Identify your niche: Determine the type of writing that you enjoy and are good at. You can specialize in a particular type of writing like blogging, copywriting, technical writing, or creative writing.

Build a portfolio: Start building a portfolio of your work, which can showcase your writing skills and help you land more gigs. You can create a website, use online platforms like Contently or, or simply create a Google Drive or Dropbox folder to share with potential clients.

Network with other writers: Join writing communities or attend writing conferences to meet other writers and learn from them. You can also connect with editors or other professionals in your niche to expand your network.

Pitch yourself to clients: Once you have identified your niche and built a portfolio, start reaching out to potential clients. Craft a compelling pitch that showcases your skills and experience, and explain why you’re a good fit for their project.

Be professional: As a freelance writer, you are running your own business. Make sure to be professional in your communications with clients, meet deadlines, and maintain a high level of quality in your work.

Keep learning: The world of writing is constantly evolving, so it’s important to stay up-to-date with industry trends and best practices. Keep learning and growing as a writer to improve your skills and stay competitive in the freelance writing market.

Some Pros And Cons Of Being a Freelance Writer


Flexibility: Freelance writing allows for flexibility in terms of when and where you work. You can work from home or anywhere with an internet connection, and you can set your own schedule.

Variety: As a freelance writer, you can work on a variety of projects and topics, which can help keep your work interesting and prevent boredom.

Autonomy: Freelance writing allows you to be your own boss and make your own decisions about the work you take on and how you approach it.

Potential for high income: Freelance writers can potentially earn high incomes depending on the projects they take on, their rates, and their experience.

Opportunity for growth: Freelance writing can lead to opportunities for growth, such as building a portfolio of work, developing new skills, and networking with other writers and professionals.


Unpredictable income: Freelance writing income can be unpredictable, as it depends on the availability of projects and clients, and how much you are able to charge for your work.

Need for self-promotion: Freelance writers need to constantly promote themselves and market their services to potential clients, which can be time-consuming and challenging.

Competition: Freelance writing is a competitive field, and it can be difficult to stand out and secure high-paying projects without established experience and a strong portfolio.

Overall, freelance writing can be a rewarding and lucrative career path for those who are willing to put in the effort to build their skills, market themselves effectively, and manage the administrative aspects of their business.


Congratulations! You’ve made it to the end of this guide. Now, what do you do?

First, take a moment to reflect on what you’ve learned so far. Are there any gaps in your knowledge that need filling? If so, don’t be afraid to go back and re-read sections of this guide or look up additional information online. In fact, I recommend doing this regularly as a way of keeping your skills sharp and ensuring that they stay relevant over time (and also because it’s fun!).

Next up: set some goals for yourself! You might want to start small–for example, maybe just try writing one article per week before moving on from there–or go big with an ambitious goal like publishing an ebook within six months’ time frame (which is something I’m currently working toward). Either way works fine; just make sure that whatever path forward takes into account both where you’re at right now as well as where.

In conclusion, freelance writing is a challenging but rewarding career path that offers many opportunities for writers to showcase their skills and creativity. As a freelancer, you have the freedom to work on a wide range of projects and set your own schedule, but you also need to be self-motivated, organized, and disciplined to succeed.

To thrive as a freelance writer, you need to develop a strong portfolio of writing samples, build a network of clients, and constantly hone your writing skills. You should also be comfortable with marketing yourself and your services, and be able to negotiate rates and contracts with clients.

Overall, freelance writing can be a fulfilling and lucrative career choice for those who are passionate about writing and willing to put in the effort to succeed.

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